Monday, October 7, 2024

Hackathon Copa 2024

 It has been a long time, with out sharing some words here, but there is something that may work doing it.

At the end of last year Luis Bazan (from Fedora Panama) invite me to share some words with the attendees to Hackathon Copa 2023, it was a fun time sharing with organizers, students and teachers. That lead to been invited to become  part of the organizers team for this year hackathon.

The subjec of this year HackathonCopa was Linux, therefore it was really fan and interesting, with the lead of Hugo Aquino from Copa Airlines (the main sponsor) and the Fedora Panama team and Floss-pa we help providing workshops and talks about Linux. Many other sponsors join us including Red Hat team from our area, so it was a great time to meet and share experience and activities. 

A full year of work meetings and planning came to the end at October 4 and 5, were sponsors, volunteers and mentors work with over 500 students on talks on the first day.

First day was over and we share with hundred of students about Fedora, Alma Linux and risc-v, showing a risc-v board that got from many stickers and tshirts were shared at our stand.

Second day was the challenges, 115 teams of 4 members accepted the challenge, our group from Fedora Panama, Flosspa serve as part of the mentors we have the task to guide with out helping and grade the teams it was a long day but at the end the teams won this edition:

  • "Los Reales" - primer lugar 
  • "ZeroTrust" - segundo lugar 
  • "Tux Team" - tercer lugar 
  • "Pingüinos Pioneros" - cuarto lugar 
  • "KernelKnights" - quinto lugar 
  • "Sudo rm-rf" - sexto lugar

Winner team photos are not in order

It was fun to share and meet the new Linux talent in our country. Some of the are wiling to learn and contribute to our beloved Fedora distro so you may ear from them.

As we all experience we learn some new tricks. Thanks to Fedora Project and Alma Linux for sponsoring this event.


I have to add special thanks to all members of Fedora Panama and Flosspa who become a sponsor in this event

Many thanks to all you to be willing to share knowledge and time with us on this kind of events

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