Monday, October 27, 2014

FudCon Managua 2014

There is nothing like FudCon's the opportunity to share with old friends meet new ones, but over all to share with old and new Fedora Users, some of then will become Fedora Contributors some will not, but we always give the best to them.

This year it was Managua, Nicaragua Fedora group, lead by Neville Cross, who had the opportunity to host the event, one hour flight from Panama, was easy as we meet Dennis Gilmore, Jared Smith and Robert Mayr, who had to the long flight hours to be there. But this year travel heroes are the guys from Mexico, we actually never hear of them before and was not aware they were coming, so it was a nice an interesting surprise to have them there, they travel about 53 hours by bus from Mexico City to Nicaragua, across Guatemala, El Salvador, Honduras and almost half of Nicaragua to reach Managua. Thinking about them while writing this from the commodity of my home, hope they are well in their adventure back home.

It needs to be mention that this two guys have been working on events and teaching Fedora on Mexico city for over 3 years now but they were not Fedora Ambassadors or any relation with Fedora and they have both Oscar and Efren create a user community on Mexico City. It is a great job and really nice to hear that when you want to do something do not need more than motivation to do it. Congrats Efren and Oscar hope we have you as members of the Fedora Community now.

This FudCon had the interesting assistant of Rober Mayr who works on Fedora Web Sites, he show us and let us know how Fedora Web sites works and how we can help, on the last day of the Fudcon Aura Lila (member of the Nicaragua community) join the Web sites team as she did her first commit.

Others work on their Packages as we had Eduardo and others to teach packaging.

There were many talks and we develop bonds withing Nicaragua students and people who join the event.

It was pretty nice to meet Eduardo Mayorga the kid from Nicaragua who has been working on the community as packager and more.

 Mozilla community was there and Luis Manuel from Panama show how to develop small app for Firefox OS.

 Hacking nights thanks to the people at Mansion Teodolinda Hotel

While Valentin Basel was giving talks and workshops about Icaro Proyect Yader Velazques started the migration of Icaro from gtk 2 to gtk3 so it can be include in Sugar, it was almost completed.

While there are other details that may skip my mind it was a great fudcon as many things where accomplish many of them where lead by Nicaragua community and we were there only to guide and help.

Thanks to you all for host us and support us. We will be specking great things from you.

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