Free Software Communities in Panama Video nice work.
Sunday, December 12, 2010
fudcon Panama, small press note
Today local news paper publish small note about Fudcon Panama 2011,
Friday, November 12, 2010
Release Party Panama, Fedora 14
Release Party Panama,
Fedora 14 release party Panama, was the fist join release party, between Fedora Panama and Ubuntu Loco Team Panama, we know release parties have to be all about Fedora new release, but showing that these two well known Linux distribution and communities, can do something together was a good way to show that our local communities can work together.
To plan the even we did divide task, organization, promotional time.
The even was also a great point to start a promotional campaign about Fedora Fudcon Latam next year.
First Fudcon Latam Panama poster, we invite everyone to be part of the Fudcon.
Talks about Ubunto 10.10 and Fedora 14 were great, we also talk about the community and the rpmdev project lead by Gomix, many people got interested and probably will see soon a couple of them joining the packing project on rpmdev.
We also talk about the Fudcon.
More pics
Saturday, October 23, 2010
Congreso del Conocimiento Libre día tres
Many talks about open source and free software around this UTP event, experience was great sharing with teacher and students words about Fedora, today was the chance to ear about Panamanian government free software plans.
AIG (Authority Innovation Government by its acronym) talk was given by Ing. Eduardo Briceño, we learn about some plans to use free software on local government, on some source of OLPC project and medical care government agencies, it seem to me that they have a plan and lots of words about it, hope it does not end as another great idea.
We can see UTP crawl into free software, hope we can see them walking to it soon, a mayor change have to be done into this direction that have to involve all faculties.
more pics
Spanish version here
AIG (Authority Innovation Government by its acronym) talk was given by Ing. Eduardo Briceño, we learn about some plans to use free software on local government, on some source of OLPC project and medical care government agencies, it seem to me that they have a plan and lots of words about it, hope it does not end as another great idea.
We can see UTP crawl into free software, hope we can see them walking to it soon, a mayor change have to be done into this direction that have to involve all faculties.
more pics
Spanish version here
Friday, October 22, 2010
Congreso del Conocimiento Libre día Dos
After a great first day, with students from UTP, secund day was a bit less people but it was great to see some students who install Fedora the day before come with some questions and happy face from the experience.
Abdel Martinez and Juan Barba work with them on the booth sharing their Fedora experience.
Many more CDs were give away and every one was invited to the release party on Nov 11.
Abdel Martinez and Juan Barba work with them on the booth sharing their Fedora experience.
Many more CDs were give away and every one was invited to the release party on Nov 11.
UDI Tech Fait UDItec
We were invited to give a talk about Fedora on Universidad del Itsmo, Tech fair UDItec.
It was nice time to share about Fedora and its community with UDI students. We also show them Ruby on Rails and they love this frameworks
Thanks to Liliana Lopez from UDI for this opportunity.
Thursday, October 21, 2010
Congreso del Conocimiento Libre día Uno
Universidad Tecnologica of Panama celebrate the II Free knowledge Congress, this week, Fedora Panama community, was invited to be part of the congress with a booth and talk to students. Abdel Martinez join us with Juan Barba and Rogelio Moreno Fedora enthusiasts who work all day on the booth, making CD and DVD and talking to students, teachers and general public about Fedora.
Explaining why Fedora and why the Fedora community is great place to learn a have fun with Linux and Open Source.
The day has many talks, the honor guest was Michael “Monty” Widenius who talk about Open Source, Mysql database and his new project MariaDB, people enjoy his words and knowledge.
After all his talks Monty spend some time with the member of community where we ask different questions about MariaDB. One thing call my attention is his interest to have MariaDB in all Linux distributions. We talk a bit about how and what he is working to get MariaDB on Fedora.
This time we give away over 100 CD/DVDs not sure the number of stickers and Fedora Buttons.
More Photos here
Will see how we do on the next two days.
Monday, October 4, 2010
Fedora 14 (Laughlin) Beta
Well, as always could not wait until Fedora 14 release, after a test PreUpgrade that when flawless on my test machine, now Fedora 14 rules my main notebook a Sony Vaio. It still on beta but seem like another Rock Solid Fedora release, even that have not play much with it all my favourite applications runs great.
Evolution has been my email client since I started to use Linux on my desktop this new version looks great.
Open Office 3.3 new splash look really nice, will to see what happens now that there is LibreOffice foundation and we like to support it, so my guest is that will see LibreOffice on Fedora 15 unless Oracle release the Open Office name.
PreUpgrade did a great job moving my Fedora 13 to Fedora 14, no errors, just waiting to complete the download reboot waiting for the upgrade process to end and the next reboot was Fedora 14, with all my stuff as it was on Fedora 13.
Evolution has been my email client since I started to use Linux on my desktop this new version looks great.
Open Office 3.3 new splash look really nice, will to see what happens now that there is LibreOffice foundation and we like to support it, so my guest is that will see LibreOffice on Fedora 15 unless Oracle release the Open Office name.
PreUpgrade did a great job moving my Fedora 13 to Fedora 14, no errors, just waiting to complete the download reboot waiting for the upgrade process to end and the next reboot was Fedora 14, with all my stuff as it was on Fedora 13.
Sunday, October 3, 2010
Thursday, September 30, 2010
Some work done
Keep up with work and Fedora Panama, has keep me from posting lately, something that will fix with this post.
First interesting news for Panama, was that we join the cities that Bid to hold the next Latam Fudcon, that allow me to meet with may people (some of them want to be sponsors) who welcome this opportunity to learn and share with Fedora Developers and Users from other countries.
Software Freedom Day in Panama, we work to celebrate the SFD, it was a bit odd event, not many people show up at it as we wanted, but we manage to make the best of it. As always something good happens in the few crowd was Anabel Broce, from the Panamanian ministry of innovation and technology, she was not there as speaker but she share her plans and views for Open Source and Free Software, they have plans to include more of it in the government offices.
For this SFD we work with people who was not involve in spreading the Free Software message, that make our team grow. Some of them will be sponsoring in October, The Congress of free knowledge (Congreso de Conocimiento Libre) where “Monty” Michael Widenius, will be main speaker.
On small event we show Fedora to students of Universidad Tecnologica of Panama campus Chorrera at around 25 min from Panama City, it was great to see their curiosity.
We will be at these two events on October, Congreso de Conocimiento Libre and UDI Technology fair.
---------------- Spanish ----------------------
Me he demorado un poco en escribir, mayormente por trabajo y otras cosas.
Muchas cosas han pasado desde mi ultimo articulo, siendo para mi la mas importante la participación de Panamá en el BID para la sede del Fudcon Latinoamericano el próximo año, esperamos poder reunirnos con todos nuestros hermanos de la comunidad latina en Panamá.
El Software Freedom Day, un evento internacional también celebrado en Panamá aunque no logro una gran audiencia, contó con la presencia de Anabel Broce de la Secretaria de Innovación del gobierno nacional, aunque ella no era parte programada del evento converso sobre los planes de la secretaria para impulsar el uso de Software libre y Open Source en gobierno.
El SFD también nos brindo la oportunidad de trabajar con otras personas que no estaban involucradas en el movimiento pero que se unieron a participar en la organizadores de eventos, oradores y en algunos casos como patrocinadores de los mismos. Por lo que seguimos creciendo.
Parte de este grupo es patrocinador del Congreso del Conocimiento Libre, que realizara la Universidad Tecnológica de Panamá donde “Monty” Michael Widenius, sera uno de los oradores principales.
Entre otras cosas participamos en la Universidad Tecnológica centro de la Chorrera fue muy grato compartir con los jóvenes de ese centro de estudio interesados en el SL.
En Octubre estaremos participando en el Congreso de Conocimiento Libre y en la Universidad del Itsmo en su feria de tecnología.
First interesting news for Panama, was that we join the cities that Bid to hold the next Latam Fudcon, that allow me to meet with may people (some of them want to be sponsors) who welcome this opportunity to learn and share with Fedora Developers and Users from other countries.
Software Freedom Day in Panama, we work to celebrate the SFD, it was a bit odd event, not many people show up at it as we wanted, but we manage to make the best of it. As always something good happens in the few crowd was Anabel Broce, from the Panamanian ministry of innovation and technology, she was not there as speaker but she share her plans and views for Open Source and Free Software, they have plans to include more of it in the government offices.
For this SFD we work with people who was not involve in spreading the Free Software message, that make our team grow. Some of them will be sponsoring in October, The Congress of free knowledge (Congreso de Conocimiento Libre) where “Monty” Michael Widenius, will be main speaker.
On small event we show Fedora to students of Universidad Tecnologica of Panama campus Chorrera at around 25 min from Panama City, it was great to see their curiosity.
We will be at these two events on October, Congreso de Conocimiento Libre and UDI Technology fair.
---------------- Spanish ----------------------
Me he demorado un poco en escribir, mayormente por trabajo y otras cosas.
Muchas cosas han pasado desde mi ultimo articulo, siendo para mi la mas importante la participación de Panamá en el BID para la sede del Fudcon Latinoamericano el próximo año, esperamos poder reunirnos con todos nuestros hermanos de la comunidad latina en Panamá.
El Software Freedom Day, un evento internacional también celebrado en Panamá aunque no logro una gran audiencia, contó con la presencia de Anabel Broce de la Secretaria de Innovación del gobierno nacional, aunque ella no era parte programada del evento converso sobre los planes de la secretaria para impulsar el uso de Software libre y Open Source en gobierno.
El SFD también nos brindo la oportunidad de trabajar con otras personas que no estaban involucradas en el movimiento pero que se unieron a participar en la organizadores de eventos, oradores y en algunos casos como patrocinadores de los mismos. Por lo que seguimos creciendo.
Parte de este grupo es patrocinador del Congreso del Conocimiento Libre, que realizara la Universidad Tecnológica de Panamá donde “Monty” Michael Widenius, sera uno de los oradores principales.
Entre otras cosas participamos en la Universidad Tecnológica centro de la Chorrera fue muy grato compartir con los jóvenes de ese centro de estudio interesados en el SL.
En Octubre estaremos participando en el Congreso de Conocimiento Libre y en la Universidad del Itsmo en su feria de tecnología.
Thursday, August 5, 2010
Visita a Costa Rica
ProGesTic ( Programa de Posgrado en Gestion de Tecnología de la Informatica y Comunicación) por sus siglas en español, un proyecto de la Universidad de Nacional de Costa Rica, nos invito el pasado 17 de Julio, al seminario “ Fortalecimiento Empresaria de PyMes que ofrecen productos y/o servicios basados en Software Libre y/o Código abierto” al cual asistimos con mi compañero Jorge Matsufuji de Grupo Axis, el seminario realizo una serie de talleres para fortalecer la gestión administrativa de los negocios en que participamos, el intercambio de ideas con nuestros compañeros Ticos fue interesante y provechoso.
Muchos de nosotros cuando salimos de la universidad o mas a delante en nuestras vidas deseamos tener nuestro negocio propio, algunos con muchos conocimientos técnicos, logramos hacer un pequeño negocio (pyme) que sustente a nuestras familias, sin embargo normalmente dejamos la parte administrativa de lado lo que limita nuestro crecimiento o incluso con el tiempo nos lleva a cerrar nuestras empresas. Este seminario que se enfoco en esa parte brindándonos la experiencia de la compañera de Guatemala Damaris Trujillo, de Sky Linux, quien compartió su experiencia y conocimiento.
Definitivamente fue una gran oportunidad para ver nuestros aciertos y errores, la importancia del conocimiento de administración de empresas y esperamos que otros gobiernos o entidades locales ayuden a fortalecer e impulsar nuestras empresas.
Agradecemos a ProGesTic y a Carolina Flores por tomarnos en consideración para este evento y por sus atenciones en nuestro hermano país centroamericano.
Mas fotos Aqui
Saturday, July 3, 2010
Fudcon Santiago de Chile
Este mes se realizara el FudCon en Santiago de Chile, contara con la asistencia de muchos colaboradores del proyecto Fedora de America Latina.
Para mas información ver
Para mas información ver
Friday, July 2, 2010
Free Soft Latina.
La Universidad Latina de Panamá, invito a a las comunidades de software libre locales, al primer evento de software libre en esta universidad, por lo que compartimos junto con las comunidades Floss-pa, Ubuntu Loco Team, Drupal Panama y Open Suse Panamá. Se realizaron presentaciones sobre:
Introducción al Software Libre. (Alejandro Pérez)
Comunidad Ubuntu (Diego Tejera)
Fedora 13 Goddard (Abdel Martinez)
Open Suse (Ricardo Chung)
Fosdev (Adrian Scott)
Si leyeron bien Introducción al Software Libre, aunque es una charla para la cual no me sentía preparado, según los comentarios de los compañeros de las comunidades no me salio mal, gracia a la compañera de Costa Rica Carolina Flores que me dejo su presentación sobre el tema la cual modifique y adecue para Panamá. En realidad di este tema ya que ninguno de las personas que la pueden dar estaban disponibles.
Los estudiantes que participaron quedaron muy interesados en los temas, para los que repartimos CD y DVD al igual que stikers.
Algunos miembros de grupos de Cultura Libre interesados en el software libre participaron en este evento, por lo que próximamente tendremos eventos en conjunto.
Gracias al prof. Luis Donderis L. que ayudo a realizar el evento.
Mas Fotos
------------- English -------------------
Fedora Panama, was part of the Free Soft Latina, the first event about free Software at Universidad Latina de Panama, it was a small event, of around 50 people, we have talk about:
Introducción al Software Libre. (Alejandro Pérez)
Comunidad Ubuntu (Diego Tejera)
Fedora 13 Goddard (Abdel Martinez)
Open Suse (Ricardo Chung)
Fosdev (Adrian Scott)
I has the honor to do the Introductory talk about Free Software, it was the first time, but thanks to Carolina Flores from Costa Rica, who let her free software talk slides on my machine, I have to custom them a bit, but it was a great material, it was a good talk. Abdel Martinez give a talk about Fedora 13 and the community.
Students enjoy the talks and ask many questions about Free Software, Fedora and the other communities and Linux distributions. A group of people from Free Culture were part of the audience, and enjoy the talks and we may have mixed events with them.
Fedora has a small boot with some notebooks and Fedora Stickers.
Thanks to Luis Donderis L. who help organize this event.
More pics
Introducción al Software Libre. (Alejandro Pérez)
Comunidad Ubuntu (Diego Tejera)
Fedora 13 Goddard (Abdel Martinez)
Open Suse (Ricardo Chung)
Fosdev (Adrian Scott)
Si leyeron bien Introducción al Software Libre, aunque es una charla para la cual no me sentía preparado, según los comentarios de los compañeros de las comunidades no me salio mal, gracia a la compañera de Costa Rica Carolina Flores que me dejo su presentación sobre el tema la cual modifique y adecue para Panamá. En realidad di este tema ya que ninguno de las personas que la pueden dar estaban disponibles.
Los estudiantes que participaron quedaron muy interesados en los temas, para los que repartimos CD y DVD al igual que stikers.
Algunos miembros de grupos de Cultura Libre interesados en el software libre participaron en este evento, por lo que próximamente tendremos eventos en conjunto.
Gracias al prof. Luis Donderis L. que ayudo a realizar el evento.
Mas Fotos
------------- English -------------------
Fedora Panama, was part of the Free Soft Latina, the first event about free Software at Universidad Latina de Panama, it was a small event, of around 50 people, we have talk about:
Introducción al Software Libre. (Alejandro Pérez)
Comunidad Ubuntu (Diego Tejera)
Fedora 13 Goddard (Abdel Martinez)
Open Suse (Ricardo Chung)
Fosdev (Adrian Scott)
I has the honor to do the Introductory talk about Free Software, it was the first time, but thanks to Carolina Flores from Costa Rica, who let her free software talk slides on my machine, I have to custom them a bit, but it was a great material, it was a good talk. Abdel Martinez give a talk about Fedora 13 and the community.
Students enjoy the talks and ask many questions about Free Software, Fedora and the other communities and Linux distributions. A group of people from Free Culture were part of the audience, and enjoy the talks and we may have mixed events with them.
Fedora has a small boot with some notebooks and Fedora Stickers.
Thanks to Luis Donderis L. who help organize this event.
More pics
Friday, June 18, 2010
Celebración de la libreación de Fedora 13 Goddard Panamá
Se planteo un evento
pequeño en un restaurante de la localidad, por lo que se convoco en
las listas al mismo, nos reunimos el 11 de Junio para celebrar el
lanzamiento de Fedora 13, para nuestra sorpresa asistieron personas
que no esperábamos nuestro amigo y entusiasta de Fedora Armado
Piedra de la Ciudad de Colon asistió, y contribuyo con las
explicaciones de lo nuevo en Fedora 13, conversamos sobre su interés
de participar n la comunidad de Fedora como embajador para el area de
Colon. También tuvimos la grata presencia de un grupo de usuarios
Fedora de la Universidad Panamá, la prof. y directora de la carrera
de informática Donna Rope y la profesora
Mirta Candanedo.
pequeño en un restaurante de la localidad, por lo que se convoco en
las listas al mismo, nos reunimos el 11 de Junio para celebrar el
lanzamiento de Fedora 13, para nuestra sorpresa asistieron personas
que no esperábamos nuestro amigo y entusiasta de Fedora Armado
Piedra de la Ciudad de Colon asistió, y contribuyo con las
explicaciones de lo nuevo en Fedora 13, conversamos sobre su interés
de participar n la comunidad de Fedora como embajador para el area de
Colon. También tuvimos la grata presencia de un grupo de usuarios
Fedora de la Universidad Panamá, la prof. y directora de la carrera
de informática Donna Rope y la profesora
Mirta Candanedo.
Conversamos sobre
Fedora, su comunidad y por supuesto Fedora 13, mientras disfrutamos
de pizza y algunas bebidas. Al final del evento el grupo ZION de la
Universidad de Panamá nos invito a dar una charla sobre Fedora 13 en
la faculta de Informática y electrónica de esta universidad. Por lo
que decidimos posponer este reporte.
Fedora, su comunidad y por supuesto Fedora 13, mientras disfrutamos
de pizza y algunas bebidas. Al final del evento el grupo ZION de la
Universidad de Panamá nos invito a dar una charla sobre Fedora 13 en
la faculta de Informática y electrónica de esta universidad. Por lo
que decidimos posponer este reporte.
David Rodirguez nos
solicito que dieramos una introducción al software libre, por lo que
aprovechamos la precencia de Carolina Flores Hine, de la Red
Costarricence de Sotware Libre, para que nos diera esa charla e
invitara a los estudiantes y miembros del grupo a participar en el
grupo de software libre centroamerica. Ella acepto gratamente, por
lo que compartió su experiencias en el movimiento de software libre
con el grupo.
solicito que dieramos una introducción al software libre, por lo que
aprovechamos la precencia de Carolina Flores Hine, de la Red
Costarricence de Sotware Libre, para que nos diera esa charla e
invitara a los estudiantes y miembros del grupo a participar en el
grupo de software libre centroamerica. Ella acepto gratamente, por
lo que compartió su experiencias en el movimiento de software libre
con el grupo.
Abdel Martinez dio
la presentación sobre Fedora 13 y sus nuevas características, luego
mostramos los escritorios mas populares Gnome y KDE mientras
conversamos de las distintas características y preferencias de cada
la presentación sobre Fedora 13 y sus nuevas características, luego
mostramos los escritorios mas populares Gnome y KDE mientras
conversamos de las distintas características y preferencias de cada
Fue un evento muy
agradable por lo que agradecemos a los miembros del grupo ZION por su
invitación y participación.
agradable por lo que agradecemos a los miembros del grupo ZION por su
invitación y participación.
mas Fotos
Fedora 13 Release Party Panama
This was the first release party we organize, the plan was to meet at a Pizza place and talk about the new features of Fedora 13, the meeting started with our friend from Colon (a city around one hour away from Panama city) Armando Piedra, he is getting together a group of Fedora and Linux users there, he is also interested on becoming a Fedora Ambassador, so we probably will have a event in Colon City, Panama. The other surprise was the present of group of Fedora fans from The University of Panama, this group include two faculty members Donna Rope, Dean of Computer Science, and teacher Mirta Candanedo, on the party we talk enjoy some pizza and talk about Fedora Panama group and Fedora community.
At the end of event the group ZION from the University of Panama invite us to give a talk about Fedora 13 and Fedora community at the University of Panama, at their Faculty on Jun 18. So we hold this report to after this talk on the University.
Fedora 13 release party continued at University of Panama, they asked for a talk about Free Software, by a coincidence our friend from Red Costarricense de Software libre, Carolina Flores Hine was on Panama, we invited her to give the free software talk, she gladly join us at the University, her talk was perfect for the students of the group. Carolina invited students to be part of the free software movement in central America. Thanks once more to Carolina.
My self give a talk about Fedora Community and fellow Fedora ambassador Abdel Martinez talk about the new release Fedora 13, students were interested as we show Gnome desktop and its features we also show KDE desktop, we brought some notebooks with Fedora 13 with Gnome and KDE they play around with them, we also give away some Fedora Stickers and buttons.
My special thanks to Elizabeth Buján and David Rodriguez from group Zion of the University of Panama.
more photos
At the end of event the group ZION from the University of Panama invite us to give a talk about Fedora 13 and Fedora community at the University of Panama, at their Faculty on Jun 18. So we hold this report to after this talk on the University.
Fedora 13 release party continued at University of Panama, they asked for a talk about Free Software, by a coincidence our friend from Red Costarricense de Software libre, Carolina Flores Hine was on Panama, we invited her to give the free software talk, she gladly join us at the University, her talk was perfect for the students of the group. Carolina invited students to be part of the free software movement in central America. Thanks once more to Carolina.
My self give a talk about Fedora Community and fellow Fedora ambassador Abdel Martinez talk about the new release Fedora 13, students were interested as we show Gnome desktop and its features we also show KDE desktop, we brought some notebooks with Fedora 13 with Gnome and KDE they play around with them, we also give away some Fedora Stickers and buttons.
My special thanks to Elizabeth Buján and David Rodriguez from group Zion of the University of Panama.
more photos
Monday, May 24, 2010
Fedora Board and Fedora Engineering Steering committee, voting
It is that time againg please vote.
Es tiempo de Votar en las elecciones de Fedora, así que a votar.
Fedora Board
It is that time againg please vote.
Es tiempo de Votar en las elecciones de Fedora, así que a votar.
Fedora Board
Sunday, May 23, 2010
First Pizza Bash Panama – Fedora release Planning
Last week was a good Fedora and Floss communities week, on Friday Fedora Panama has a small meeting at a Pizza Place to plan our Fedora 13 release party, we have 3 out four ambassadors on that meet and Jose Gabriel our 13 years old Fedora Panama member who wants to be an ambassadors, hope he get approval soon. The plan now is hold a Fedora Release Party on June 11.
Here are more pics.
Pizza Bash
Taking the idea from our friends in Nicaragua, we had on Saturday our first pizza bash meeting, something we will continue to do every month, it was a gathering of all Panamanian floss communities, Ubuntu with Diego Tejera was the organizer, we have people from Ubuntu, Fedora, Debian, Open Suse, and Drupal communities. The great thing to notice on this meet was the students of Universidad Nacional, who wanted to create a LUG there and was a multidisciplinary group from Computer mayor to Medicine. Some of this students want to be part of the local and international communities as developers and other task on their communities. This is going to be a good group to start working with and soon will be great news of the work there. Thanks to the Intereamerican university of Panama and Dean Mirtha Rodriguez who allow us to hold the meet there.
Here is more pics
--- Spanish ---
Después de un tiempo por fin logramos hacer una pequeña reunión del grupo local de Fedora, la idea de esta reunión fue ponernos de acuerdo para realizar la fiesta de lanzamiento de Fedora 13 Goddard. En esta reunión estuvo el joven miembro de Fedora Panamá Jose Gabriel, conversamos sobre lo que queremos hacer en Fedora y los próximos eventos.
Para ver mas fotos aquí.
Pizza Bash, emulando la iniciativa llevada a cabo por nuestro embajador de Nicaragua Neville, se realizo por primera vez en Panamá los Pizza Bash, la reunión se realizo en la Universidad Interamericana de Panamá gracias a la colaboración de la decana Mirtha Rodriguez, quien nos facilito el salón en la universidad. La reunión fue un exito participaron miembros de las comunidades locales Ubuntu, Fedora, Debian, Open Suse y Drupal. Destacamos la partipación multidisciplinaria de los estudiantes de la Universidad Nacional quienes usan distintas distribuciones de Linux y tienen un interés extraordinario en el movimiento de Software Libre y Linux. Esperamos apoyarlos en la formación del LUG de la universidad y en todo lo referente a las comunidades a formarse allí.
Para ver mas Fotos aquí
Here are more pics.
Pizza Bash
Taking the idea from our friends in Nicaragua, we had on Saturday our first pizza bash meeting, something we will continue to do every month, it was a gathering of all Panamanian floss communities, Ubuntu with Diego Tejera was the organizer, we have people from Ubuntu, Fedora, Debian, Open Suse, and Drupal communities. The great thing to notice on this meet was the students of Universidad Nacional, who wanted to create a LUG there and was a multidisciplinary group from Computer mayor to Medicine. Some of this students want to be part of the local and international communities as developers and other task on their communities. This is going to be a good group to start working with and soon will be great news of the work there. Thanks to the Intereamerican university of Panama and Dean Mirtha Rodriguez who allow us to hold the meet there.
Here is more pics
--- Spanish ---
Después de un tiempo por fin logramos hacer una pequeña reunión del grupo local de Fedora, la idea de esta reunión fue ponernos de acuerdo para realizar la fiesta de lanzamiento de Fedora 13 Goddard. En esta reunión estuvo el joven miembro de Fedora Panamá Jose Gabriel, conversamos sobre lo que queremos hacer en Fedora y los próximos eventos.
Para ver mas fotos aquí.
Pizza Bash, emulando la iniciativa llevada a cabo por nuestro embajador de Nicaragua Neville, se realizo por primera vez en Panamá los Pizza Bash, la reunión se realizo en la Universidad Interamericana de Panamá gracias a la colaboración de la decana Mirtha Rodriguez, quien nos facilito el salón en la universidad. La reunión fue un exito participaron miembros de las comunidades locales Ubuntu, Fedora, Debian, Open Suse y Drupal. Destacamos la partipación multidisciplinaria de los estudiantes de la Universidad Nacional quienes usan distintas distribuciones de Linux y tienen un interés extraordinario en el movimiento de Software Libre y Linux. Esperamos apoyarlos en la formación del LUG de la universidad y en todo lo referente a las comunidades a formarse allí.
Para ver mas Fotos aquí
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