After a little travel, we arrive at Universidad Tecnologica de Panamá, there we meet a wonderful team of students and teachers, and start sharing our experience as part of Fedora community, and share what we knew about fedora packaging, many of them show their interest on become a packager, we work with them with some limitations as the internet connection was really bad, but we manage to show them how to package on two packages one on python and the other in ruby. At the end of the day we create a little contest were we download a orphan package, and created some errors on the spec file, and they have to figured out errors and fixed, that was really fun and two of them find the errors and manage the package. As a price we give them the last Fedora USB. It was fun and we enjoy it as they did. The winner of this contest was Ovidio Grosso.
Thanks to cidetys, Querube Urriola and the UTP Santiago, for organize this event, and Abdel Martinez, Luis Bazan and Issis, and Juan Barba.
Hope we have the opportunity to share another time with them.
FAD Santiago, a set on Flickr.